Cabinet 14, Drawer 5
Mix of mainly French sun.
Slot 1 - Swank Italy - Very nice frame but one lens cracked. US$1 50.
Slot 2 - France unbranded - nice handmade sun. US$ 200.
Slot 3 - France unbranded - beautiful 60's sun. US$ 250.
Slot 4 - France unbranded - beautiful 60's sun - great shape and great condition. US$ 300.
Slot 5 - France unbranded - nice handmade - very nice shape, material and condition. US$ 250.
Slot 6 - USA unbranded - Very unusual injection frame - design ref. US$ 100.
Slot 7 - Italy unbranded - 60''s handmade - condition good. US$ 150.
Slot 8 - Unbranded and no origin - nice shape - only fair condition. US$ 100.
Slot 9 - Unbranded and no origin - Interesting sunglass. US$ 150.
Slot 10 - Pierre Balmain - France - Nice shape. Fair condition. US$ 100.
Slot 11 - Unbranded and no origin - Nice laminated handmade - Good condition. US$ 200.
Slot 12 - France unbranded - oversized handmade - fair condition. US$ 100.